On my recent Europe trip, I visited San Sebastian, a little coastal town north of Spain near the French border, nestled in the Basque country region, famed for its food. Glorious food. There was a reason I chose to cut my time in Barcelona short (well, I had been to Barcelona before), and that is to eat my way around San Sebastian.
Whilst the food in San Sebastian is generally FANTASTIC (more posts about that coming later) and my lunch usually spanned from 12-4pm, then a few hours of lying down to rest my stomach before dinner began at 7pm and usually lasted until 11pm, I had the fortune to go to my very first Micheline starred restaurant.… Read more
By popular demand, I thought it’s time to give the centre stage to one of the most popular Thai dishes outside Thailand (probably only second to Pad Thai). *Drum roll* The delicious, mouthwatering, and most controversially misunderstood of all curries; Thai Green Curry.
Unless you have been to Thailand, have Thai friends whose mothers have cooked for you (this is location dependent ie. can she get all the ingredients), or are freakishly lucky to have come across a restaurant that sticks to the real flavour (very rare), I guarantee you that the Thai green curry you have come to love is almost definitely the westerner version of this beautiful curry.… Read more
..tasty, succulent caramelised meat on a double layered of soft warm tortilla,
stringy melted fresh mexican cheese,
a slice of creamy avocado,
a slice of tomato,
few slices of sharp red onion,
a bowl of multi-coloured pickles on the side,
and more chilli salsas than you ever need.
The first time I had tacos in Mexico I was blown away. In fact, the picture above is the first taco I had, at breakfast, eating standing up by the counter in Zona Rosa area (translated to pink zone, the lively gay area) in Mexico City. We had been in Cuba for a month prior to coming here and the only chilli we had was from a small bag of chilli flavoured Doritos on the flight into Mexico City.… Read more
I love mushrooms.
Mushrooms love fat,
..especially butter.
They also love salt,
preferably sprinkled generously toward the end of cooking.
Also best friend with robust herbs like thymes and rosemary,
and of course, the ultimate friend: garlic.
As you can gather, I am rather fond of mushrooms. Ever since I was a kid, I couldn’t get enough. In my opinion, few vegetables can divide people’s like and dislike as much as mushrooms. Okay, maybe tomatoes too. People who hate mushrooms, my dear brother being one of them, seem to tell me that their biggest problem is the texture, or rather the slimy texture.… Read more
As I sat on my kitchen table,
staring back at a blinking cursor on a blank page,
I had no idea where to start.
And then I thought I would start from the beginning; me.
Hi, my name is June. I promise you the next post will be about food.
I spent a lot of years in my 20’s trying to figure out what I would like to do with my life, like everyone else. I remember back when I was a kid, I wanted to be a teacher when I grew up. I wanted to help people learn things and share what I know. As I got older, social expectation has inevitably crept in; certain careers just seem more respectable in terms of money and social acceptance. That was why I studied an Engineering degree, and while I took away from that the skills to methodically solve problems, deep down I knew I didn’t want to become an Engineer.… Read more